Setup Libraries


Load Data

file = system.file("extdata", "USeconomic.csv", package = "tswgewrapped", mustWork = TRUE)
USeconomic = read.csv(file, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
names(USeconomic) = gsub("[(|)]", "", colnames(USeconomic))
data = USeconomic

Build caret model

Since this process takes some time, I have commented this out for now and saved an already created caret model. However, feel free to uncomment this and run the model build process.

# library(caret)
# # Random Parallel
# model = ModelBuildNNforCaret$new(data = data, var_interest = "logGNP", m = 2,
#                                  search = 'random',
#                                  grid = NA, tuneLength = 2,
#                                  batch_size = 132, h = 2,
#                                  parallel = TRUE,
#                                  seed = 1,
#                                  verbose = 1)
# model$summarize_hyperparam_results()
# model$plot_hyperparam_results()
# model$summarize_best_hyperparams()
# model$summarize_build()
# caret_model = model$get_final_models(subset = 'a')

Load already saved caret model

file = system.file("extdata", "caret_model_batch_ase.rds", package = "tswgewrapped", mustWork = TRUE)
caret_model = readRDS(file)

Initialize the ModelCompareMultivariateVAR object

mdl_compare = ModelCompareNNforCaret$new(data = data, var_interest = 'logGNP',
                                         mdl_list = caret_model,
                                         verbose = 1)
#> Computing metrics for:  reps15_hd5_sdetFALSE
#> Warning in private$models[[name]]$ASEs = res$ASEs: Coercing LHS to a list
#> Computing metrics for:  reps19_hd2_sdetFALSE
#> Warning in private$models[[name]]$ASEs = res$ASEs: Coercing LHS to a list

Compare the models

Compare boxplot of ASE values

p = mdl_compare$plot_boxplot_ases()

Statistically Compare the models

#>             Df    Sum Sq   Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
#> Model        1 1.803e-08 1.803e-08    0.34  0.591
#> Residuals    4 2.121e-07 5.302e-08               
#>   Tukey multiple comparisons of means
#>     95% family-wise confidence level
#> Fit: aov(formula = ASE ~ Model, data = results)
#> $Model
#>                                                    diff           lwr
#> reps19_hd2_sdetFALSE-reps15_hd5_sdetFALSE -0.0001096261 -0.0006316118
#>                                                    upr     p adj
#> reps19_hd2_sdetFALSE-reps15_hd5_sdetFALSE 0.0004123596 0.5911161
#> Call:
#>    aov(formula = ASE ~ Model, data = results)
#> Terms:
#>                        Model    Residuals
#> Sum of Squares  1.802683e-08 2.120736e-07
#> Deg. of Freedom            1            4
#> Residual standard error: 0.0002302572
#> Estimated effects may be unbalanced

Simple Forecasts (with various options)

This is not currently supported since it needs future values to be passed and we dont have these values yet (unless we forecast them). We will add this functionality in the future.

p = mdl_compare$plot_simple_forecasts()
#> This function is not supported for nnfor::mlp at this time.

Plot and compare the forecasts per batch

p = mdl_compare$plot_batch_forecasts()

Plot and compare the ASEs per batch

p = mdl_compare$plot_batch_ases() 
#> Loading required namespace: patchwork
#> Warning: Removed 260 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).

Raw Data and Metrics

ASEs = mdl_compare$get_tabular_metrics(ases = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 6 x 5
#>   Model                      ASE Time_Test_Start Time_Test_End Batch
#> 1 reps15_hd5_sdetFALSE 0.0000449             131           132     1
#> 2 reps15_hd5_sdetFALSE 0.000605              133           134     2
#> 3 reps15_hd5_sdetFALSE 0.0000461             135           136     3
#> 4 reps19_hd2_sdetFALSE 0.000124              131           132     1
#> 5 reps19_hd2_sdetFALSE 0.000163              133           134     2
#> 6 reps19_hd2_sdetFALSE 0.0000810             135           136     3
forecasts = mdl_compare$get_tabular_metrics(ases = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 148 x 5
#>    Model                 Time     f    ll    ul
#>  1 reps15_hd5_sdetFALSE   131  8.23  8.23  8.23
#>  2 reps15_hd5_sdetFALSE   132  8.23  8.23  8.23
#>  3 reps15_hd5_sdetFALSE   133  8.22  8.22  8.22
#>  4 reps15_hd5_sdetFALSE   134  8.22  8.22  8.22
#>  5 reps15_hd5_sdetFALSE   135  8.26  8.26  8.26
#>  6 reps15_hd5_sdetFALSE   136  8.27  8.27  8.27
#>  7 reps19_hd2_sdetFALSE   131  8.23  8.23  8.23
#>  8 reps19_hd2_sdetFALSE   132  8.24  8.24  8.24
#>  9 reps19_hd2_sdetFALSE   133  8.23  8.23  8.23
#> 10 reps19_hd2_sdetFALSE   134  8.23  8.23  8.23
#> # ... with 138 more rows